One Time Registration Cost
Mobile Recharge for Admin
Mobile Recharge for
Mobile Recharge for Dealer
Mobile Recharge for User
Mobile Recharge for Staff
API For Mobile Recharge
How To Add Recharge Commission in Rechargegrid
How To Update Profile in Rechargegrid
Features :
All the features in this application are designed for Bonrix Multi Recharge Grid. There are many features, but here are some winners.
Search Best API Provider :
Search through largest database of best API provider. View operator wise commission structure and find contact details to make deal.
Search Prospective API User :
Search through high volume recharge API user list. Check their operator wise commission expectation. View their usage statistics to give them best deals.
Ready to use Inbuilt Recharge Grid :
Bonrix Recharge Grid is ready to use so it doesn't required API integration. Bonrix Recharge System - Lapu based desktop software and major websites are tightly coupled with Bonrix Recharge Grid.
Quick Start & Fast Processing :
Bonrix recharge grid has end to end connectivity so for using recharge API service, user just need to give destination name (i.e API Service Provider name). Recharge will automatically terminated to right location.
High Volume User Statistics :
Bonrix recharge grid keeps statistical data to summerized use of Recharge GRID. These statistical reports are very much useful for identifying best service provider and prospective api user.
Review and Rating :
API user and API provider of recharge grid can able to rate their service provider and user and also write review about their recharge service and payment history.
Redundancy & Recharge Routing :
Once you connected to Recharge Grid you may able to redirect your recharge request to particular service provider depending on operator wise setting. so its give routing in your own hands and in case of failure you may switch to any other recharge service provider keep your api setting intact with Bonrix Recharge Grid
Prepaid, PostPaid, DTH & BillPay :
All type of service under one umbrella. search thoght API provider of all ype of service like Prepaid, PostPaid, DTH & BillPay for all possible operator in INDIA.
No Static IP :
Bonrix Recharge Grid is directly connected with Bonrix Recharge System - Lapu based Desktop system using new Web Socket technology and its doesn't require static IP address at API Provider or API user ends.
What's in it for you?
Bonrix Recharge GRID provides single point of integration for all type of yours PrePaid, PostPaid, DTH & BillPay recharge requirements. Either you may be recharge service provider or recharge service user, yours single integration with recharge grid will enable you to use service from any service provider and vice versa. Bonrix Recharge GRID user will able to do recharge routing to particular recharge service provider based on operator setting.
Benefits for Recharge Service Provider :
1. Search through proactive client and offer them best commission
structure operator wise.
2. Increase your visibility to all
recharge service user and increase you recharge volume.
No API integration required by client for using your recharge
4.Recharge will routed to your system
automatically via recharge grid and in same way your
notification or recharge status confirmation(i.e success /fail)
will also route to right destination by itself using recharge
Benefits for Recharge Service User :
1. Search through best recharge service provider from operator
wise commission structure published by recharge service
2. Single point integration for all type of
recharge service like Prepaid , Post Paid, DTG &
3. Redundancy and auto-routing enable to you to
rout your recharge to particular recharge service provider and
in case of failure you may switch to any other recharge service
4. No API integration required so you may able to
terminate your recharge traffic to any destination (i.e.
recharge service provider) via recharge grid as per as your